Since february 2017 the African Marathon Challenge (AMC) supports long-standing educational projects in different places. Additional since 2020 the Kpalimé Trail-Marathons in the Atacora mountain chain are linked in additional projects:


The non-governmental organisation AGERTO (Association Germano-Togolaise, German-Togolese association) is committed to positive and sustainable development in Togo. AGERTO offers free training for young people in the three centres in the cities of Kpalimé, Akpakpakpé near Notsé and Kemeni near Sokodé. Orphans, street children, underprivileged youths as well as convicts and young people with physical or mental disabilities have the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship in the professions of tailoring, welding, carpentry and weaving. After three years, they complete their training with a nationally recognised professional examination and receive their diploma. To start their career, they also receive a machine from us to successfully start their own business.


We support the NGO AGERTO (Association Germano-Togolaise) project in Kpalimé by planting 25 fruit trees in 2017. In April 2019 we shipped 10 PCs from Germany to build a computer class. A software stack of free and open educational applications (Ubuntu) is installed with a french interface.


→ The new computer class


Together with our Sponsor NatureOffice (Wiesbaden, Germany) and the NGO Togo Hilfe Rheinbach e.V. we build in 2018/2019 the sanitary facilities of the "Gustav Nachtigal"-School. The small school has now a freshwater connection.



Cooperation USZ Zürich - Uni Kara: Transurethale Endoscopy

application/pdf Togo: Urologische Entwicklungshilfe (Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Eberli) (1614 KByte)