I love finding this kind of message in my mailbox or somewhere in the internet...


(2020-03-07) "...I did this race as part of a double-header (with the Trail Marathon de Mount Agou the following day, by the same organisers). It was a genuine privilege to run in these events. The routes were well-thought-out, the drinks stations were stocked with fresh fruit and the signage was good. But the thing that struck me most was the feeling of community. The small field was half Togolese and half 'tourists', but running is the great leveller - we were all in it together. Everyone chatted before, during and after the runs, and when we finished we were greeted with such warmth by the residents of the local town, who cheered, played music and danced until the last runner came home. Highly recommended for an out-of-the-ordinary marathon that will exceed all your expectations!..." G.W.


(2020-03-01)  "....I just wanted to say thanks for everything the other weekend. I had such an incredible time visiting Togo and running the two marathons, and was so impressed with the organisation and the feeling of community throughout the weekend. I'd really like to do more of your events!...."  G.W.


(2020-02-25) "....La plus grande remerciement vous appartient . Sans votre organisation on ne saura pas de quoi on est capable ..." M.A.

(2020-03-11) "....Nous vous remercions très sincerement pour tout le materiel et consommables que vous nous avez donnés. Nous nous en servons pour aider les plus démunis. Et cela nous aide beaucoup. Bien de choses à toute l'équipe..." Dr.A.


(2019-09-24) "...buongiorno maratoneti io ho partecipato a tutte e due alle maratone di zanzibar 2019 devo dire non c'è niente di super , sono maratone per stare insieme e vivere insieme una gioenata splendida, percorso mozza fiato, non è una maratona per migliorare il tempo, ma rimanete stupiti, lorganizzazione perfetta, io vi consiglio di partecipare, sopratutto fare una bella vacanza a zanzibar" M.M.